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KipwareM® LOG




Upgrade Information for 08/27/2024 :

Upgraded the DRILL NIBBLING menu and toolpath.


Upgrade Information for 02/20/2024 :

This release includes a multi-location feature for easy repeating SQUARE / RECTANGULAR BOSS … O RING GROOVES … ROUND BOSS machining in multiple locations using a single menu form. When any of the above menus are selected ... the user has the ability enter multiple locations at which the machining will be performed either through a manual input, reading of a DXF file or automatic calculations using a bolt circle, grid pattern or hole-on-an-angle conversational menu. This is a terrific time saver when identical shapes are required in multiple locations. This location option wax previously available in other menus … but now has been extended to almost all conversational menus. Additional information and screenshots are available on our BLOG through this link :


Upgrade Information for 11/07/2023 :

We have added the ability to set-up next tool look ahead or pre-loading next tool T commands. Users can define outputs as they pertain to the T or tool change command in the KipwareM® SETTINGS page ... a screenshot of the new form is below.



Now, in addition to configuring the tool change for single line or double line, users can configure if and how to output next tool or look ahead T commands.


NEXT TOOL LOOK AHEAD can be set to ON or OFF through the check box. If OFF ... none of the options outlined below will be output.

NEXT TOOL LOOK AHEAD will cause the next T command to be auto-inserted into the program using Format A or Format B

FORMAT A will cause the next tool T command to be inserted on the lne following the current tool change command ... an example :

T01M06 ( current tool change command )

T02 ( next T command )

FORMAT B will cause the next T command to be inserted after the first Z move line ... an example :

T01M06 ( current tool change command )



T02 ( next T command )


Upgrade Information for 10/18/2022 :

Version 22.0.0 has been released and includes a new 3D menu for creating G code conversationally for hole fillets ... as per the image below. The conversational menu is also displayed below.

This new menu is shipping standard with the KipwareM® 3D Option as of October 18, 2022



Upgrade Information for 02/11/2021 :

Version 21.1.0 has been released and includes new features in the OD and ID THREAD MILLING and OD and ID HELICAL MILLING menus that allow for easily programming these operations to be performed in MULIPLE LOCATIONS.

Instead of a simple X/Y location field, the user now has an option button to DEFINE HOLE LOCATIONS.

The DEFINE HOLE LOCATION screen allows the user to select X/Y locations using multiple options :

BOLT CIRCLE - using a conversational menu users can define a bolt circle and have the software automatically calculate hole locations and add them to the form.

GRID PATTERN - using a conversational menu users can define a grid pattern and have the software automatically calculate hole locations and add them to the form.

HOLES-ON-A-LINE - using a conversational menu users can define a line and hole pattern and have the software automatically calculate hole locations and add them to the form.

DXF - Kipware® can read locations directly from a DXF file importing every POINT in the DXF as a hole location.

MANUALLY - users can manually enter an unlimited number of hole locations;

You can read more in-depth here :


Upgrade Information for 02/03/2021 :

Version 21.0.0 has been released and includes a new menu for our innovative and groundbreaking 3D conversational options.

This new TAPERED HORIZONTAL TROUGH menu allows for the creation of G code to machine a trough along the horizontal axis where the radius at the two ends is different. Our HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL trough menus handle troughs where the radii on both ends are the same … this menu accounts for instances where the radii on both ends are different.

You can read more in-depth here :


Upgrade Information for 07/06/2020 :

Version 20.0.0 has been released and includes a new BOSS CONTOUR conversational screen. Through this menu the user can create G code to mill a bos wiith any user described  square, chamfer or radius on any of the four corners. each corner can be different or the same a using any user decribed chamfer at any angle or any user defined radius.

Here is a link to the YouTube video published on release :


Upgrade Information for 06/11/2020 :

Version 19.9.0 has been released and includes a new MULTI SIDED MILLING conversational screen. Through this menu the user can create G code to mill a shape with any number of sides including hexagon, pentagon, octagon ... any -ogon shape.

Here is a link to the YouTube video published on release :


Upgrade Information for 04/23/2019 :

Version 19.5.0 has been released and includes a new 4th axis DRILLING menu. This option allows for conversational programming of holes using the 4th axis.

Machining options include drilling / peck drilling ... circular pocket milling ... or both.

User can define an unlimited number of holes with different X - Y - Z (depths) - Angular Coordinate - and hole diameters. Each location can have a different hole diameter.

Read more:


Upgrade Information for 02/04/2019 :

Version 19.0.0 now includes a feature that will automatically create a TOOL LIST when creating the MAIN program from within KipwareM®

The TOOL LIST contents can be automatically included in the G code program as a text note ... and can also be auto-loaded into the Editor to be printed.

A complete article and video illustration can be found through the link below :


Upgrade Information for 07/30/2018 :

Addition of the TAPERED EDGE RADIUS 3D menu in the KipwareM® 3D Options.

Inclusion of the DRILL NIBBLING menu for slot roughing. You can read the full article here :


Upgrade Information for 05/31/2017 :

Kentech Inc. is pleased to announce the release of Version 17.0.0 of KipwareM® ... featuring enhanced support for RIGID TAPPING in all conversational hole menus in KipwareM®.

You can read the FULL ARTICLE and EXPLORE FEATURES here :


Upgrade Information for 01/23/2017 :

New form for entering up to (12) hole locations on a single form for the DRILLING conversational menu.

New HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL slotting options including side-wall only milling and through and captured slot options.

New 3D conversational menu released for CORNER RADIUS machining.

More information and an in-depth article on DRILLING and SLOTTING options here :

More information on the new 3D CORNER RADIUS milling menu here :


Upgrade Information for 02/12/2016 :

We have released an UPGRADE to KipwareM® regarding the FEMALE BENDING DIE conversational menu in the 3D OPTIONS.

We revised and enhanced the cutting toolpath ... "bugs" under certain conditions had been reported ... and have now been fixed.


Upgrade Information for 02/03/2016 :

An UPGRADE has been performed and released under Version 16.10.0 which includes additional cutting options for the HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL SLOTTING menus.

We have added options for side wall cutting only for ROUGHING ... in addition to the current solid stock type of roughing stock removal. This option will create a ROUGHING cycle that will cut one side and then the other while not performing any cutting between the walls.


Upgrade Information for 02/20/2015 :

Kentech Inc. is continuing our ground-breaking conversational 3D shape development and we are pleased to announce the release of Version 16.5.0 of our KipwareM® - Conversational CNC Programming Software for Milling. With this version release we add a new 3D menu to the 3D Options ... BOWL shape machining.

For additional information please visit our In The Trenches Blog post through the link below :


Upgrade Information for 05/09/2014 :

Added the ability to import hole locations from a DXF file in the "HOLE" conversational menu.

KipwareM® will read a DXF file and sort and transpose all POINT entities into X / Y hole locations and automatically add those hole locations to the list of holes to include in the G code program.


Upgrade Information for 02/07/2014 :

Kentech Inc. is pleased to announce the release of our latest feature for Kipware® conversational CNC programming software ... KipwareCSF®.

KipwareCSF® is our machining speed and feed wizard for Kipware® conversational and will automatically calculate cutting parameters for conversational cycles based on a user defined cutting parameter database. This new STANDARD feature adds a tighter integration and auto-calculations for spindle speeds and cutting feedrates to Kipware® conversational.

The KipwareCSF® database is uniquely designed to be both easy to integrate and powerful with an unlimited capacity ... allowing the user complete control and greater flexibility than "book knowledge" speed and feed wizards.

KipwareCSF® calculations can be accessed inside ANY conversational menu in Kipware® conversational ... making auto-calculations of cutting parameters and auto-insertion of those parameters smooth, quick and easy.

We invite you to explore KipwareCSF® and all the latest features through our new introductory video ... just click the link below.


Upgrade Information for 12/30/2013 :

We have added a new menu that allows for ENGRAVING using the 4th axis. Multiple and powerful options are available including :

The user has the option to engrave along the X axis ... straight line engraving along a diameter following the X axis.

Users can ROTATE a string of text at any angle ... and KipwareM® will convert that from X-Y movement to X-4th_Axis movement. This allows the user to say command 90 degree rotation and have the text string "wrapped" around the specified diameter following the Y axis ... or command any angle such as 15 degrees and have the text string "wrapped" and "twisted" along the specified diameter.


Upgrade Information for 12/06/2013 :

As we continue to add menu options to the new 4th Axis menus ... we have now released an XY Threading menu option.

This menu allows users to create OD threads using a milling cutter and a machines full 4th axis.


Upgrade Information for 11/01/2013 :

We have started the creation of conversational 4th Axis Machining Menu options. These options will be for machines equipped with a FULL 4th axis.

 The initial menu released is for XY Slotting. This menu will create slots along the X axis with the option available for straight slots or "twisted" slots. For additional information ... please refer to our BLOG post here :

We intend to add additional menus based on user requests. If you have a 4th axis machining operation that you feel would be a "fan favorite" ... that other users would benefit from ... please email for review by our development team.


Upgrade Information for 09/13/2013 :

User can now easily create G code for standard 3D type shapes ... cones, troughs, tapered pockets and bosses ... through our ground-breaking 3D conversational option. Read more in our Blog post :

We will be adding other common 3D type shapes as upgrades progress.


Upgrade Information for 03/25/2013 :

Qualify Stock : allows the creation of a cycle to machine (1) or (2) ends of a workpiece using zig-zag, climb or conventional milling. Users can select ROUGHING and / or FINISHING and cutter comp can be included in finishing.

O Ring Groove : allows for the creation of an O ring type groove in the top surface of a workpiece. Users can select ROUGHING and / or FINISHING and cutter comp can be included in finishing.


Upgrade Information for 02/27/2013 :

CUSTOM EIA CYCLE : users have the ability to create cycles that will load into the tree and that contain blocks of G code entered through this option. EIA code cycles are treated as any other cycle and can be edited and added to the program just like any other cycle.

RAMPING : we have added a ramping feature for all pocket cycles which include square / rectangular pockets and round pockets.

RE-ORDERING CYCLES : we have made some enhancements to the cycle re-ordering option for cycles in the tree.

POCKET MILLING / HELICAL MILLING : we have added the ability to create pocket milling and helical milling cycles in multiple locations using one screen. The user has the option of manually entering an unlimited number of locations ... or using the pre-defined BOLT CIRCLE, GRID PATTERN or HOLES-ON-A-LINE options and KipwareM® will auto-calculate the locations and load then as positions ... this is a really nice feature and very powerful !!

(10) CYCLES PER TOOL : we have increased the number of cycles that can be linked to any tool form (5) to (10) ... to better support 4th axis programming along with the new Custom EIA Cycle option.


Upgrade Information for 02/18/2013 :

Release of CUSTOM EIA CYCLE option for all Kipware® conversational titles. Please refer to this BLOG post link below for additional information.

Read more here :


Upgrade Information for 01/04/2013 :

Bug fix and enhancements in the ID THREAD MILLING MENU

Bug fix and enhancements in the ID HELICAL MILLING MENU


Upgrade Information for 12/03/2012 :

Bug fix in the ROUND BOSS menu.

Bug fix in the SQUARE / RECTANGULAR BOSS menu.





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