Upgrade Information for 08/03/2021 :
•Kentech Inc. has released Version 23.4.0 of our KipwareT®.
•This version offers two new menus that allow for quick and easy G code creation for a SIMPLE TURN and SIMPLE BORE operations where there is only one diameter involved and the part has either chamfers or radii on each end.
•Each menu has an option to select roughing and / or finish machining.Chamfers can be at any angle and with any user defined length. Radii are set at 90 degrees with any user defined value.
•Screenshots of both menus are illustrated below.
Upgrade Information for 07/26/2021 :
•Kentech Inc. has released Version 23.3.0 of our KipwareT®.
•This version offers enhancements to the OD PULLEY GROOVE menu that now allows users to create a turning type toolpath in addition to the previous grooving type toolpath creation available.
•You can get additional, in-depth information and watch a video through our BLOG : https://kentechinc.com/kipware_blog/new-kipwaret-release-pulley-groove-undercut-turning-option/
Upgrade Information for 07/29/2020 :
•Kentech Inc. has released Version 23.0.1 of our KipwareT®.
•This version offers enhancements to the OD and ID SHOULDER GROOVING options.
•Improvements concern the toolpath when there is little to no material removal to be made to the shoulder surface.
•We have also added an additional SHOULDER GROOVE menu where the user can select the shoulder location of RIGHT SIDE or LEFT SIDE.

Upgrade Information for 06/19/2020 :
•Kentech Inc. is pleased to announce the release of Version 23.0.0 of our KipwareT®.
•We have expanded the number of operations / cycles that can be linked for one tool from (5) to (10)
•We have added an auto tool list generation feature. The tool list can be included as a header at the beginning of the G code program or loaded into the Editor and saved as a separate text file or printed directly from the KipwareT® Editor. You can read more details here : https://kentechinc.com/kipware_blog/new-kipwaret-release-auto-tool-list-generation/
Upgrade Information for 12/10/2019 :
•Kentech Inc. is pleased to announce the release of Version 21.0.0 of our KipwareT®.
•Included in this new version release are (2) new back turning menu options.
•You can read the complete release information through the link below : https://kentechinc.com/kipware_blog/new-release-backturning-options-in-kipwaret-new-turning-cnc-cam-conversational-features/
Upgrade Information for 03/28/2019 :
•Version 20.0.0 of KipwareT® contains an upgraded feature for the SIMPLE TURNING and SIMPLE BORING menus.
•The new feature called "View Shape" allows the user to see a toolpath plot of the shape as described through the elements in KipwareTP®.
•This gives the user the ability to easily confirm if the shape described through the elements is correct.
Upgrade Information for 03/08/2019 :
•Kentech Inc. is pleased to announce the release of the conversational SUB SPINDLE programming option for KipwareT®
•KipwareT® now offers conversational sub spindle programming where users can create TRANSFER and CUT-OFF TRANSFER cycles and G code cutting programs all conversationally using fill-in-the-blank forms.
•For complete information on this upgrade we have prepared a video presentation which has posted to our YouTube channel ... below is the link : www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_K9Bww91T0
Upgrade Information for 07/30/2018 :
•Version 19.4.10 of KipwareT has been released ... it contains a number of code enhancements for optimum G code output including the following :
•Simple Turning
•Simple Boring
•OD Pulley Groove
•OD Tapered Radius Groove
•Main Program Creation
Upgrade Information for 05/10/2017 :
•Deep Hole Drilling Bug Fix
• Version 15.2.1 of KipwareT has been released ... it contains an update to the DEEP HOLE DRILLING menu that repairs a bug when using the combination Cycle1 and Cycle2 together. If only Cycle1 or all Cycles 1-3 are employed ... this bug is not pertinent.
Upgrade Information for 06/15/2016 :
•The newest release of KipwareT® contains (3) new conversational menu options.
•Tapered-Radius-Groove : allows users to create G code to machine an OD groove that has tapered walls with a fillet in between using a bull-nose type grooving tool.
•Radius Groove : allows users to create G code to machine an OD groove that is a complete radius.
•Ball : allows users to create G code to machine an ball ... whether a complete or partial ball.
•Additional information and video links can be found on the Kipware® Blog through the links below :
Upgrade Information for 05/11/2015 :
•This version includes our very powerful and innovative OD Turning and ID Boring menus ... conversational options never before available in ANY PC or control based conversational CNC programming application. These new menus allow the user :
•UNLIMITED number of diameters
•ANY user defined chamfer at any angle or radii on all exterior corners
•ANY user defined radii on interior corners
•Innovative menus that allow for easy editing of ALL conversational form data
•You can see the new features in depth on our YouTube channel here : youtu.be/HYjrrKOnE-s?list=PLQjgskQuLfsS8j4Wb72o_fRGloXIIPzDw
Upgrade Information for 01/12/2015 :
•As of 1/12/2015 we have released (2) new conversational menus for KipwareT® ... what we call "shoulder grooving".
•Shoulder grooving involves creating an undercut where the two walls of the groove lie on different diameters.
•For a complete explanation ... please visit our Blog here : https://kentechinc.blogspot.com/2015/01/new-release-shoulder-grooving-for.html
Upgrade Information for 11/21/2014 :
•This release ... Version 17.2.1 ... contains new enhancements and revisions for OD and ID THREADING pertaining to SINGLE TAPER THREADING and LEFT HAND THREADING.
• We have replaced the canned cycle output with long hand G code output to allow for plotting within KipwareTP.
•New and improved algorithms are employed that result in a much smoother toolpath and allow for more user cutting options.
•We added the ability to create G code for LEFT HAND straight threads using both full canned cyle ( G76 Fanuc type ) as well as programmed X dimensions ( G92 Fanuc type ).
Upgrade Information for 03/21/2014 :
•We have added support for Y Axis Conversational Programming in KipwareT®.
•This Y Axis option for KipwareT® contains the following machining options :
•Square / Rectangular Pocketing on the OD or the FACE ... with the ability to ROTATE the shape any user-defined degree.
•Round Pocketing on the OD or the FACE
•Slotting on the FACE
•Square / Rectangular Boss machining on the OD or the FACE ... with the ability to ROTATE the shape any user-defined degree.
•Round Boss machining on the OD or the FACE
•O-Ring Groove machining on the OD
•Hex Milling on the FACE
•ID Thread Milling on the OD or the FACE
•Drilling on the OD or the FACE with various patterns including Bolt Circle, Holes-On-A-Line, Grid Pattern or unlimited, individual user-defined locations.
•Powerful programming options such as CW or CCW ROUGHING - CW or CCW FINISHING - CUTTER COMP and more are all easily applied by the user by simple inputs or by checking the appropriate option box. In addition ... all menus incorporate our newly released KipwareCSF® - Cutting Speed and Feed Wizard for Kipware® Conversational on all menus.
Upgrade Information for 02/18/2014 :
•Kentech Inc. is pleased to announce the release of our latest feature for Kipware® conversational CNC programming software ... KipwareCSF®.
•KipwareCSF® is our machining speed and feed wizard for Kipware® conversational and will automatically calculate cutting parameters for conversational cycles based on a user defined cutting parameter database. This new STANDARD feature adds a tighter integration and auto-calculations for spindle speeds and cutting feedrates to Kipware® conversational.
•The KipwareCSF® database is uniquely designed to be both easy to integrate and powerful with an unlimited capacity ... allowing the user complete control and greater flexibility than "book knowledge" speed and feed wizards.
•KipwareCSF® calculations can be accessed inside ANY conversational menu in Kipware® conversational ... making auto-calculations of cutting parameters and auto-insertion of those parameters smooth, quick and easy.
•We invite you to explore KipwareCSF® and all the latest features through our new introductory video ... just click the link below. www.youtube.com/watch?v=d39koBYIA0I&list=UUn9rzknJvaAq1K2JzgGttyA&feature=share
Upgrade Information for 01/22/2014 :
•We added an OD KNURLING conversational menu option to KipwareT® ... and it is now shipping standard.
Upgrade Information for 02/18/2013 :
•Release of CUSTOM EIA CYCLE option for all Kipware® conversational titles. Please refer to this BLOG post link below for additional information. https://kentechinc.blogspot.com/2013/02/kipwarem-now-even-more-4th-axis.html