Upgrade Information for 10/03/2014 :
•This release contains improvements and enhancements for arc plotting for both milling and turning plotting.
Upgrade Information for 11/08/2013 :
•We have released the first versions that include a new feature that allows for plotting on multi-axis turning programs including Y axis programs.
•This feature is being instituted and further developed as we expand the KipwareT® capabilities to include Y axis programming.
Upgrade Information for 08/21/2013 :
•We have added a new feature that allows for the plotting of sub programs. Capabilities are basic right now but we will be expanding them as we move forward.
•We have also posted a new training video outlining this feature on the video training website : www.kentechinc.com/video-training.shtml ... in the KipwareTP® section.
Upgrade Information for 05/23/2013 :
•Version 8.2.0 has been released with the following UPGRADES :
•Ability to create a graphical representation of cutting tools to be included in the plot
•Users can create an unlimited number of graphical cutting tool representations using the included Plotting Tool Library feature.
•Users can configure Plotting Tool Lists that include a user defined "trigger" code and matching cutting tool representation. For example : T0101 might call an 80 degree diamond while T0202 might call a .125 wide grooving tool.
•Users have the ability to create an unlimited number of Tool Lists and save them and recall them as required.
Upgrade Information for 12/15/2012 :
•New release for KipwareTP we are calling "OnScreen Part Measuring"
•Using your mouse users can "measure" or see coordinates for points along the plotted toolpath. Simply moving the mouse on the screen will reveal the X / Y / Z coordinates of the mouse position.
•So ... for example ... moving the mouse to a hole location or intersecting point along the plotted contour will reveal the X / Y / Z location of that point.